Principal's Desk
Udalguri College, situated on the southern outskirts of Udalguri town, is the only provincialized institution for pursuing Higher education at the Degree level in the district head-quarter of Udalguri. Along with Degree courses in Arts and Science, it also caters to the students of Higher Secondary Course in Arts and Science. It was established by a few conscious citizens, who felt the need for such an institution in a backward area(taking into consideration the year of establishment 20th of August 1979). Having started its journey with less than 42 students at the Pre-University level, today it harbours the educational dreams of around 2931 students at the P.G., U.G. and H.S levels.

It also offers master degree programmes (correspondence mode) through IDOL and IGNOU. With the current position of sanctioned teachers being 31, it is indeed a herculean task to give quality education to the students. Of course, in this regard, besides the sanctioned teachers, the tireless zeal of non-sanctioned and contractual teachers too is laudable. It is the ceaseless efforts of teachers, the non-teaching staff and well-wishers that enables the college to steadily keep climbing the ladder of success. It has been striving to offer an environment conducive to the aim with which the students get admitted into the College. So far, a number of students enrolled in Udalguri College have achieved rankings at the university level. The result of Higher Secondary science is worth mentioning. Besides the academic curriculum, it also provides the platform and encourages budding talents to showcase their talents in extracurricular activities. Several students enrolled in Udalguri College have excelled in different sports at the national and international levels. We are committed to enhancing the academic and extra-curricular potentialities of our students.
I do hope that Udalguri College achieves new milestones in the near future.
Dr Luke Daimary