Walk-in Interview for the post of Grade IV staff
ACTA Sponsored National Workshop on Challenges and Prospects of FYUGP in Assam: A Pathway to Nation Building
Placement Drive For Alumni & Outgoing Students
Below is the Joining link for the virtual Placement Drive Tomorrow: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDMyODhhYWQtZTAyZS00YjQ5LTg3ZjktZDY1NzE3ZGJiYTRj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22de1e9dbe-6740-44cf-b334-06a1f1545bce%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22ff7ff05c-ad57-4f9c-b862-6273fbb62469%22%7d Requesting you all to take the Work from Home opportunity and drive the life easier. Here is the Tech Mahindra giving a phenomenal chance to Assam. Joining Time and Date:- 12.30 pm ,28th June 2024Platform :- Microsoft Teams (Download it from the Google […]
Saraswati Puja Celebration 2024 Invitation
Media Awareness Program Organised

Diploma in Stenography Certificate Distribution Ceremony

A Certificate Distribution Ceremony for the Diploma in Stenography course was conducted on 16-12-2023 at Udalguri College
Admission Open for Various Certificate Courses
Identification of waste stream by the department of Physics.
The department of Physics conducted Identification of waste stream around Udalguri College Campus for the VAC Waste and Energy Management course.
Photography Contest Alert!
Contest Alert! Calling all photography enthusiasts and nature lovers! We are thrilled to announce our very first ‘Mobile Phone Photography Contest’ on the captivating theme of ‘Nature.’ If you’ve ever marveled at the beauty of a blooming flower, been mesmerized by a serene sunset, or captured the wonder of wildlife on your smartphone, this contest […]
English Deptt Launches ‘Easterly’ Online Magazine

The English Department of Udalguri College launched a new online quarterly magazine titled ‘Easterly’ and aspires to promote the creative endeavors of students of the region. The magazine can be accessed on the Easterly Magazine website.